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Return Policy

Here is the 30-Day Return Process for purchases made on

  • Purchases made on are entitled to a 30-day return period (from order delivery date) to qualify for a full refund of returned merchandise.
  • If returned merchandise is received after 30 days from the order delivery date, you will be offered a store credit to be used at for the same value as the returned merchandise (less original order shipping charge).
  • Returned merchandise received 30-45 days past the original order delivery date will be subject to additional restocking fees.
  • Returned merchandise received over 45 days past the original order delivery date will be declined and returned.
  • To begin your return, simply re-pack the returned item(s) including original packaging in undamaged form and contact customer service at for instructions.

Please note that the return policy applies only to purchases made directly on It excludes purchases made from eBay, Amazon, and any other resellers. To qualify for a full refund, you must have proof of purchase on, sent back with original packaging and product in uninstalled/unused condition.

If you have any further questions about your order or return, please email and we will attempt to answer your inquiry immediately.

Unfortunately, exchanges cannot be processed at this time. If you need a different item, please return the product you received and place a new order. While we do not currently provide shipping for returns, we can assist you with any shipping charges on your replacement order. Please contact customer service at for more details.

If you receive a damaged or defective item, please call or contact a Customer Service Representative at +1(212) 901-3580 or by email at immediately. We will make every effort to get your items returned and replaced as quickly as possible.